Sunday Cyber Sangha: Meditation and Dharma
Sun, Aug 01
|Zoom ID: 856 9627 5749 / Password: 912126
Join us every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. EDT for meditation and dharma.

Time & Location
Aug 01, 2021, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Zoom ID: 856 9627 5749 / Password: 912126
About the Event
August 1 Guest Teacher: Jeffrey Carr
About Jeffrey Carr:
I am a Full Teacher in the spiritual traditions of the American Meditation Society (http://americanmeditationsociety.org), a Senior Teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist Center of Philadelphia (www.tibetanbuddhist.org), and I have completed a two-year program in the Clearlight Meditation Teacher Training program of the Clearlight Meditation Institute (www.clearlightmeditation.org) with Scott and Nancy McBride. I've been initiated by Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche into the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism and am a 40 year plus disciple of Gururaj Ananda Yogi. I"m also an artist and a retired Dean of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts who lives outside San Diego, California with two cats and a number of semi-wild peacocks who visit regularly. If you are curious, I'm on Facebook and Twitter.
Download TBC prayer book here.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85696275749
Meeting ID: 856 9627 5749 / Password: 912126
To call in from your phone, dial the below number and use the meeting ID and password above when prompted: (646) 558-8656
Schedule (subject to change):
-Opening prayers
-Guided Meditation (about 10 minutes) Short Break
-Dharma Talk
-Closing prayers/dedication of merit