Heart Sutra Practice
Wed, Jan 03
|Zoom ID: 873 8284 2407 Code: heart2024
Please join us for the Heart Sutra Practice held on the first Wednesday of each month from 7 pm - 8:15 pm Eastern via Zoom.

Time & Location
Jan 03, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM EST
Zoom ID: 873 8284 2407 Code: heart2024
About the Event
Please join us for the Heart Sutra Practice held on the first Wednesday of each month from 7 pm - 8:15 pm Eastern. This online Zoom event will be led by Sue Passante and include prayers from the TBC Prayer Book, Homage to Buddha Shakyamuni, recitation of the Heart Sutra, mantra chanting and guided meditation.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87382842407 Meeting ID: 873 8284 2407 Passcode: heart2024
The Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra (Heart Sutra, found on page 8 of the TBC Prayer Book) is one of the most important sutras in Mahayana Buddhism. We hope you will join us as we pay homage to Buddha’s highest vision--insight into the prajñāpāramitā, the ultimate truth, that transcends all conventional truths. Everyone is welcome!
Image above: Vulture Peak Mountain, in Rajagriha, in Bihar, India, is the site where the Buddha taught the Heart Sutra to bodhisattvas and arhats.