Metta/Loving-Kindness Practice
Sat, May 22
|Zoom.us ID: 828 2749 9433 PW: 202612
Please join us in prayers and practices of loving-kindness.

Time & Location
May 22, 2021, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Zoom.us ID: 828 2749 9433 PW: 202612
About the Event
The words of the Buddha on the practice of loving-kindness:
“Just as the radiance of all the stars does not equal one sixteenth of the moon’s radiance, but the moon’s radiance surpasses them and shines forth bright and brilliant, even so, whatever grounds there are for making merit productive of a future birth, all these do not equal one sixteenth of the liberation of mind by loving-kindness. The liberation of mind by loving-kindness surpasses them and shines forth, bright and brilliant.” Itivuttaka 27; 19-20 Translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi.
Please join us via Zoom on Saturday May 22nd (10:00 AM to Noon) when Sue Passante, Elazar Aslan, and Bill Stauffer lead us in prayers and practices of loving-kindness. Bill will tell us the story of the first time the Buddha gave a teaching on Metta (loving-kindness) – why did he give that teaching and what happened after he taught it? Sue will lead a guided meditation/visualization of love and devotion based on the refuge tree of the Buddha’s lineage. And Elazar will lead us in a meditation medley for developing self-compassion – something we all need in this difficult world. Let us all practice opening our hearts to hold even more, with greater ease.
Join via Zoom:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82827499433 Meeting ID: 828 2749 9433 Passcode: 202612